Ronda Rousey’s appearance has helped propel her fighting career, and her fighting career has created a marketplace for her looks. As the 28-year-old puts her 10-0 record on the line Saturday in UFC 184 against Cat Zingano — and the biggest year of her professional life — Rousey feels like she’s come to terms with herself as a fighter, as an entertainer and as a woman. More importantly, she knows how to balance the wide-ranging responsibilities and expectations that accompany these roles.


Ronda Rousey es calificada como la pionera e idolo autentica de las artes marciales en MMA…creando un mercado que arranza multitudes….De 28 años de edad expondrá su record de 10-0 este sabado frente a Cat Zingano en Los Angeles, Estados Unidos…

Cousey se siente que ella establece las condiciones a la hora de sus peleas y acepta el reconocimiento como una de las líderes en el mercado del entretenimiento femenino, y mas importante conoce las responsabilidades que implican esos calificativos con la juventud y sus seguidores en general….