Britain’s reigning double Olympic and world champion Mo Farah will open his Diamond League season in Qatar.
The 32-year-old will compete in the 3,000m in the capital Doha on 15 May – the first leg of the 14-series event.
Farah, who has never raced in Doha, said: «I’ve heard so many great things about the track, the crowd and the competition in Doha.
«There are always very strong fields in the distances so this will be a great early season test on the track for me.»
Farah, who won the 5,000 and 10,000 metres double at the 2012 London Olympics, and followed up that with a World double in 2013, will compete against leading rivals from Ethiopia and Kenya.
He will defend his current world titles in both events in August in China.

El actual doble campeon Olimpico y Mundial, el Británico Mo Farah disputara la carrera de apertura de la Diamond League en Qatar…

de 32 años de edad Farah competira en los 3mi metros en Doha el 15 de mayo, primera carrera de la serie de 14…

Farah quien nunca ha corrido en Doha dijo tener grandes referencias del escenario y el publico, siempre exigente…

Farah quien gano los 5 mil y 10 metros en Los Olimpicos de Londres 2012 y despues los Mundiales del 2013, se enfrentara a rivales de Ethiopia y Kenya….y despues defendera sus titulos en Agosto en China..