Con 21 años G. Muguruza jugara la final de Wimbledon con Serena Williams...

Garbine Muguruza preclasificada 20 supero a la 13 Agniezska Radwanska y avanzo a la final del abierto de Wimbledon, por primera vez en su carrera, donde espera a la ganadora entre Serena Wiliiams y Maria Sharapova…

Muguraza nacida en Venezuela y naturalizada Española de 21 años de edad logra su primera final en uno de los grandes del circuito femenino…despues de superar con parciales de 6-2, 3-6 y 6-3 a la Polaca A. Radwanska, una de las favoritas del certamen….

Spanish youngster Garbine Muguruza took her career to new heights on Centre Court on Thursday when she battled her way past Poland’s Agnieszka Radwanska and into her first Grand Slam final.

The 21-year-old’s power and aggression from the back of the court eventually proved too much for former finalist Radwanska, coming through an enthralling semi-final 6-2, 3-6, 6-3.

It was looking like Muguruza would wrap up a famous victory in under an hour when she led by a set and 3-1, but Radwanska fought her way back into the match by rattling off five games in a row to make it one set all.

After trading early breaks in the decider, Muguruza won a decisive sixth game to go up 4-2 and served out the match soon afterwards to move into Saturday’s final.

Muguruza will face the winner of Thursday’s second semi-final between Maria Sharapova and Serena Williams.