Definitivamente Janse Van Rensburg responde cuando se lo exige y especialmente cuando esta vestido de amarillo…y asi lo demostro en la penultima etapa del Tour de Langkawi…despues de haber asumido esa condicion el dia lunes en la sexta etapa….

Ya habia expresado su preocupacion con su rival directo el Colombiano Miguel Angel Lopez de Astana…

y es que este martes en cumplimiento de la septima etapa de 202 kilometros de recorrido entre DSeremban y Parit Sulong, Jansen van Rensburgh demostró toda su categoría respaldado por un grantrabajo de equipo…

La jornada fue para el corredor de Astana Andrea Guardini quien se impuso en llegada masiva en la que entraron el actual lider y sus escoltas…

La general faltando una etapa quedo asi…

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“Definitely,” Janse van Rensburg replied when asked if he felt better about being in the yellow jersey. “I think the team showed today how strong they are. After defending it, I think it feels a little bit better to have it on my shoulders now.”

When Janse van Rensburg took the overall leader’s yellow jersey on Monday’s sixth stage, he expressed regret for the circumstances that led to him deposing the overnight leader, Columbian Miguel Angel Lopez (Astana) and moving up from second place overall at 23 seconds to the Astana rider into first place.

Lopez, who took the lead by winning stage four on Sunday into the Cameron Highlands, lost his lead on Sunday due to a broken wheel with six kilometres to go that led to him finishing 35 seconds behind Janse van Rensburg and the peloton.

Starting Tuesday’s seventh stage, 202.3km from Seremban to Parit Sulong, Janse van Rensburg led the tour by 11 seconds over second placed Daniel Jaramillo (UnitedHealthcare Pro Cyling) of Colombia and 12 seconds on third placed Lopez.