FIFA today submitted documents to the US authorities in an effort to reclaim tens of millions of dollars pocketed illegally by corrupt FIFA members and other football officials.

In its capacity as a “victimised institution”, FIFA has submitted a Request for Restitution to the US Attorney’s Office and the US Probation Office for the Eastern District of New York, claiming damages from 41 former FIFA officials and other football organisations, including Chuck Blazer, Jack Warner, Jeffrey Webb and others who have been indicted in the ongoing investigation by the US Department of Justice.

“The convicted defendants abused the positions of trust they held at FIFA and other international football organisations and caused serious and lasting damage to FIFA, its member associations and the football community. The monies they pocketed belonged to global football and were meant for the development and promotion of the game. FIFA as the world governing body of football wants that money back and we are determined to get it no matter how long it takes,” said FIFA President Gianni Infantino.

FIFA estimates that at a minimum tens of millions of dollars were diverted from the football community illegally through bribery, kickbacks and corrupt schemes carried out by the defendants. This amount is likely to increase as the investigation continues. The US government has already announced forfeiture amounts that should cover FIFA’s claims for damages.


La FIFA Sometio este miercoles documentos a las autoridades de Estados Unidos reclamando decenas de millones de dólares que miembros corruptos se embolsillaron ilegalmante de las arcas de la institución

En calidad de víctima, la fifa ha pedido la devolución de esos dineros a la fiscal general de Estados Unidos, de parte de los 41 ex-miembros de esa entidad que estan siendo jusgados, incluyendo Chuck Blazers, Jack Wagner, Jeffrey Webb y otros…

Los arriba señalados y otra docena de ex-funcionaros, dice el documento de FIFA, abusaron de sus posiciones en la FIFA y otros organismos internacionales para quedarse con esos dineros y causar seberos daños a la entidad. Los dineros que tomaron esas personas, afectan los programas de desarrollo del futbol global y la promocion del futbol y esta peticion y esta lucha legal la llevaremos hasta el final, sin importar cuanto tiempo tome, dice el presidente de la FIFA Gianni Infantino…

FIFA estima en decenas de millones de dólares, los dineros que se captaron de forma ilegal, cifras que se iran incrementado a medida que las investigaciones continúen. las autoridades de Estados Unidos que ya tienen varias cuentas congeladas, que a la FIFA se les devolvera el dinero que consideren para cubrir esos daños.