Nairo Quintana resulto ganador de la segunda etapa del Tour de Romandie por descalificacion de Ilnur Zakarin quien cruzo la linea final primero que el pedalista de movistar, pero con un movimiento irrregular que ameritaria su penalización….y es que Zakarin, ademas, cambio de carril en pleno embalaje final….

Durante la segunda etapa del Tour de Romandie, Quintana fue el primer de los favoritos en atacar faltando 6.5 kilometros para el final…y poco mas de un kilometro para el final le llego compañia y comenzo el ataque cuerpo a cuerpo…hasta que Zakarin lieralmente, se fue con todo desplazando al pedalista Colombiano, quien solo atino a levantar los brazos en señal de protestas, dejando a Zakarin que pasara primero la meta…

Pero cuando se consedian las primeras declaraciones a la television se produjo el anuncio oficial..Zakarin fue penalizado por su movimiento sobre el final, Nairo Quintana fue declarado ganador de la etapa con los segundos de bonificación de reglamento…lo que le permite asumir su condición de lider…

La clasificacion general en los 10 primeros lugares quedó asi…

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Nairo Quintana, Movistar, has claimed victory on stage 2 of the Tour de Romandie after Ilnur Zakarin (Katusha) was demoted for changing his line in the sprint to the finish. Zakarin had done almost all of the post-race pleasantries but was stopped short of taking to the podium when the finish result was reversed.


Quintana had been the first to shake the pack of favourites, striking out with around 6.5 kilometres to the finish. A little over a kilometre later, Qiuntana had the defending champion for company. The pair had a slim advantage for much of their journey to the finish line but it proved to be sufficient. Quintana led them over the top of the climb of the Pas de Morgins and into the last kilometre.

Making their way through the twisty finish, it was a case of who cracked first. In the end, it was Quintana that began his sprint with 300 metres to go, taking an initial gap. Zakarin came back at the Colombian in the last 50 metres but drifted significantly to the right as they rounded the final bend, forcing Quintana to sit up. The Colombian gestured his displeasure by throwing up an arm, as Zakarin threw up both of his in celebration.

After already doing a stage-winner’s interview for television, it was announced that Zakarin had been demoted to second place for his move. Quintana was bumped into first, taking the bonus seconds that came with it to put him into the leader’s jersey, 18 seconds ahead of Zakarin in the overall standings.