Chris Bosh se perdera el resto de temporada en la NBA....

Doctors treating Miami Heat star forward Chris Bosh are concerned he may have developed a blood clot in his lung, but they are waiting for tests before making a diagnosis, sources confirmed to

Bosh’s agent, Henry Thomas, told ESPN in a text that early results are inconclusive regarding Bosh’s medical condition and that they are still «sorting through everything.»

Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said that Bosh is being treated at South Miami Hospital. Bosh will see «a couple» more specialists Friday. Spoelstra did not have additional details when he met with reporters Friday before Miami’s game against the Knicks.

«It’s too early for an ultimate diagnosis,» Spoelstra said earlier in the day, although he said he is confident the condition is not life-threatening. «I know there is a lot of speculation, a lot of rumors right now.»

Los medicos a cargo de la salud del delantero estrella de Miami Heat Chris Bosh estan preocupados por el desarrollo que pueda tomar el cuagulo de sangre que tiene en un pulmón, pero esperan los resultados de mas examenes, segun versiones de prensa…

Hnery Thomas agente de Bosh dijo que los resultados de los examenes estan inconclusos…mientras que el tecnico Erik Spoelstra confirmo que su jugador esta siendo tratado en el South Miami Hospital…

Es muy temprano para emitir alguna diagnostico final, dijo el tecnico del Miami Heat, no son buenos los rumores y las especulaciones que hay por fuera.