The Football Association is calling on fans to report sexist abuse at games after being shown disturbing scenes of women officials and staff being subjected to obscene chants.
Footage obtained by the BBC shows Chelsea’s female medic Dr Eva Carneiro and a female assistant referee Helen Byrne suffering taunts during recent matches.
FA board member Heather Rabbatts described the abuse as «horrible».
She said it should not be tolerated, adding: «We are absolutely encouraging people to report incidents like this.»
The footage was taken at Chelsea matches against Manchester City and Manchester United, as well as a game in the Football League.


La Asociacion de Futbol Ingles le esta pidiendo a los fanaticos reportar abusos sexistas durante os partidos despues de observar videos con escenas de mujeres oficiales e integrantes de los equipos siendo objeto de actos obscenos…

Pietaje de video obtenido por la BBC, muestra a la medica del Chelsea Dra. Eva Carneiro y a la asistente arbitral Helen Byrne sufriendo maliciosos actos durante juegos recientes…

La integrante del comité ejecutivo de la FA, Heather Rabbats describido los abusos de Horribles…Dijo que no se toleraran y le pidio a todas las personas o trstigos que reporten incidentes como esos…

Los videos fueron tomados tuante el Partido entre Chelsea frente al Manchester City y Manchester United.