The Lawn Tennis Association has today announced the biggest ever initiative to drive junior participation behind Great Britain’s historic Davis Cup by BNP Paribas victory in Belgium.

Ten thousand introductory free junior tennis courses and 10,000 free rackets will be offered at local venues for boys and girls across the country. The lessons will be delivered by a team of 1,000 expert and passionate coaches. Recruitment will start in January 2016, and the opportunity for children and families to take up the offer will go live ahead of the first round Davis Cup tie in March.

Another exciting element will be implementing a national Davis Cup Trophy tour. Fifty different venues will have the chance to host the trophy in their local community, park or club, with some surprise visits from team members. The aim is that every one of the LTA counties will receive a visit from the trophy to thank as many people as possible for their support for the team over the past year.


La Asociacion de Tenis de Gran Bretaña conocida como LAWN por sus siglas en Ingles, anuncio una gran iniciativa para motivar la participacion de los ninos y adolescentes en la practica del tenis, despues de la historia victoria en la Copa Davis sobre Belgica…

10 mil cursos gratuitos introductorios para niños y 10 mil rsquetas gratis seran ofrecidas a lo largo del pais. las lesiones seran dadas por mil expertos y técnicos apasionados por este deporte. los reclutamientos para los interesado se comenzaran a hacer en enero del 2016. ademas sera la oportunidad para que los pequeños y sus familias disfruten de la giran que haran los ganadores de la Copa Davis en Marzo.

Esa sera parte de la motivacion del país, la gira del trofeo de la Copa DAVIS.