En su Mensaje de fin de año el Presidente del Comite Olimpico Internacional Thomas Bach invito a todas las organizaciones deportivas del mundo a trabajar furtemente y mas duro que nunca en el 2016 para limpiar la imagen que dejo este 2015 caracterizado por escandalos de dopaje, de sobornos y corrpupcion que tambien afectaron al movimiento Olimpico…
En su mensaje de fin de año desde Nueva York Bach dijo que toda la familia Olimpica debe recuperar las espectativas del publico de total integridad y llamo a lo que califico, Cambiar o seras Cambiado….
El punto mas urgente que se debe corregir despues de estos 12 meses pasados es reestablecer la credibilidad de las organizaciones deportivass y la limpieza de todos los atletas….
Es la oportunidad para el Movimiento Olímpico para conducir las reformas de cara a la Agenda Oimpica del 2020. la mayoria de las reformas deberan ser implementadas en 12 meses,aseguro.
When Olympic Agenda 2020 was adopted one year ago, my message to everyone in the Olympic Movement was: change or be changed. One just needs to look at the events over the last 12 months to realise that this message is even more urgent today to safeguard the credibility of sports organisations and to protect clean athletes. Undoubtedly, recent developments in some sports cast a shadow across the whole world of sport. As the role and relevance of sport in society continues to grow, so do the expectations of the public vis-à-vis the integrity of athletes and sports organisations. It is our shared responsibility in the Olympic Movement to provide new answers to new questions.
This is a great opportunity for the Olympic Movement to drive the reforms of Olympic Agenda 2020 further. Most of the reforms have already been implemented in just 12 months. With Olympic Agenda 2020, all stakeholders of the Olympic Movement have agreed to apply the principles of good governance. The IOC has already implemented internationally recognised standards of governance in all its activities, and has published the Olympic Movement Code for preventing competition manipulation. We have called on and we expect all sports organisations to follow our lead. With regard to protecting the clean athletes, the IOC has strengthened its commitment to making the world’s anti-doping system and the sanctioning of doped athletes independent from sports organisations. We are convinced that all these changes are necessary to better protect the clean athletes and enhance the integrity of sport.