El Jefe del Comité Etico investigativo, independiente de FIFA Dr. Cornel Borbély, ha concluido las investigaciones por las actividades de Luis bedoya y Sergio Jadue y entregado los dos reportes y sus  recomendaciones….

y es que el Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos hizo publico el 3 de diciembre del 2015 que el Ex-Vicepresidente de FIFA y Ex-Vicepresidente de la federacion Colombiana de futbol Luis Bedoya, se declaro culpable de dos cargos de conspiracion para fraude y de recibir sobornos, Igualmente el-Expresidente de la Federacion Chilena de futbol y ex-vicepresidente de Conmebol el Chileno Sergio Jadue, recibio los mismos cargos…

En su reporte final, el jefe de las investigaciones recomienda imponer a los dos Bedoya y Jadue sanciones de por vida sin poder tener actividad en ninguna actividad del futbol, por violar las reglas de conducta, articulos 13 y 15 de los codigos de etica de FIFA…

el informe aclara que no se tome una decisión formal por el comite de etica de la FIFA los dos ex-directivos son considerados inocentes…


The chairman of the investigatory chamber of the Ethics Committee, Dr Cornel Borbély, has concluded his investigation into the activities of Luis Bedoya and Sergio Jadue and handed over the two reports, together with recommendations, to the adjudicatory chamber of the Ethics Committee, which is chaired by Mr Hans-Joachim Eckert.

As the U.S. Department of Justice informed the public on 3 December 2015, Luis Bedoya, a former member of the FIFA Executive Committee, a former CONMEBOL vice-president and, until October 2015 the President of the Colombian FA, on 12 November 2015 waived indictment and pleaded guilty to a two-count information charging him with racketeering conspiracy and wire fraud conspiracy. As the U.S. Department of Justice moreover conveyed on 3 December 2015, Sergio Jadue, a former vice-president of CONMEBOL and the former President of the Chilean FA, on 23 November 2015 waived indictment and pleaded guilty to a two-count information charging him with racketeering conspiracy and wire fraud conspiracy.

In his final reports, the chairman of the investigatory chamber of the Ethics Committee recommended imposing on both Mr Bedoya and Mr Jadue a lifelong ban on taking part in any kind of football-related activity (administrative, sports or any other) for an alleged violation of the general rules of conduct (art. 13 of the FIFA Code of Ethics (FCE)), loyalty (art. 15 FCE), duty of disclosure, cooperation and reporting (art. 18 FCE), conflicts of interest (art. 19 FCE), bribery and corruption (art. 21 FCE) and general obligation to collaborate (art. 41 FCE).

Until formal decisions are taken by the adjudicatory chamber of the Ethics Committee, Mr Bedoya and Mr Jadue are presumed innocent.
