Andrew Bogut fue protaonista de la jugada clave en el ultimo minuto para que Draymond Green venciera el sonido de la chicharra y los Guerreros de Golden State se impusieron en el ultimo segundo del tiempo extra 109-105 a los Atlanta Hawks para lograr una marca de 43 victorias consecutivas en casa y lo mas importante si su estrella Stepehn Curry….

Thompson fue el maximo anotador por los locales con 26 puntos, Green termino con dos asistencias y triple coble con 15 puntos, 13 rebotes y 8 asistencias y Leandro Barbosa salio desde la banca para aportar 11 puntos, incluyendo uno clave contra el reloj y en sostenido en el tercer cuarto…

Jugando su primer partido en casa, en casi 3 semanas, Los guerreros mejoraron su marcva a 5-0 en tiempo extra, con 43 victorias seguidas en su casa y buscando extender ese record cuando disouten 7 de sus proximos 8 partidos en el Oracle Arena, comenzando este jueves con television nacional frente a Thunder.

Andrew Bogut saved a ball from going out of bounds, Draymond Green fielded the low pass and hoisted up an off-balanced 3-pointer and … SPLASH. Green’s shot clock-beating trey in front of the Warriors bench was the biggest shot of the game, putting the Dubs up by four in the final minute of overtime of a 109-105 win over the Hawks in Tuesday night’s homecoming.

Thompson finished with a game-high 26 points, Green came within two assists of a triple-double (15 points, 13 rebounds, 8 assists) and Leandro Barbosa came up huge with 11 points off the bench, including a buzzer-beating jumper to end the third quarter. Marreese Speights added 10 points and set Dub Nation into a frenzy with a pair of 3-pointers in the fourth quarter.

Playing their first home game in a span of three weeks, the Dubs improved to 5-0 in overtime games this season and won their 43rd straight regular season home game. They will look for that home magic to continue with seven of their next eight games being played at Oracle Arena, starting with Thursday’s nationally televised showdown with the Thunder.