Los Guerreros de Golden State han sobrevivido en postemporada sin su astro Stepehen Curry, pero despues de la victoria 121-94 sobre Houston que los pone 3-1 al frente en la serie al mejor de 7, las preocupación pasan por la salud de Curry….

De acuerdo con fuentes del equipo, la situacion de Stephe Curry quien sufrio una torcedura de ligamentos durante el partido del domingo, seria delicada y este lunes se le realizara una resonancia magnetica para determinar el alcance de la lesión…

Los Guerreros no tendran claridad hasta el lunes, pero si los temores se confirman, Curry afectado de su ligamento colateral durante el segundo cuarto del partido del domingo, tendria varias semanas de recuperación antes de volver a jugar…


Curry, his sprained right knee wrapped in tape and some 90 minutes having passed since he had left the court in tears, seemed loose as he ate the plate full of chicken and veggies in his lap.

But each and every look on their faces was deceiving. The Warriors, make no mistake, are well aware that their title defense is in jeopardy.

According to a person with knowledge of Curry’s situation, the early fear is that Curry suffered a sprain in his medial collateral ligament during his second-quarter slip. The person spoke to USA TODAY Sports on the condition of anonymity because an official diagnosis has not yet been made.

The Warriors won’t know for sure until Monday, when Curry is scheduled to undergo an MRI. But if those fears are realized, it could be quite some time before he is playing again.