NASA began studying houseplants during the late ’80s as a way of providing purer and cleaner air for space stations. What was discovered is that there are many different houseplants that can help to purify the air.

House plants are not just pretty. They also add health benefits to our homes and work place by filtering out certain harmful compounds in the air making it much healthier to breathe.

Here are a list of 5 of the top houseplants to improve your indoor air quality. For just a few bucks most of these plants can be picked up at your local home improvement store, florist or even at the grocery store or plant nursery. The plants will filter out harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene and provide you with oxygen at the same time.

Estudios de la NASA han encontrada una amplia lista de plantas que ayudan a purificar el aire de nuestras casas…lo que se descubrio es que no son pocas esas plantas…porque no solo purifican el aire, tambien ayudan a mejorar el sistema inmunologico y mejorar el sistema respiratorio…

Aqui una liosta resumida de las 5 plantas, bajo techo, que filtran los químicos y sustancias dañinas para su organismo…



aloe-vera plant

Many people have Aloe Vera in their homes because of its healing properties like helping to heal sun burns and cuts. Aloe Vera however, is also a great plant to improve your indoor air quality. It is easy to grow and hard to kill for those who don’t have a green thumb. It helps to keep your home free from benzene which is commonly found in paint and certain chemical cleaners.



peace lily-Lirio de Paz

The Peace Lily is a beautiful plant and can improve your indoor air quality by as much as 60%. It helps to reduce the levels of mold spores that grow in the home by absorbing those spores through its leaves and them circulating them to the plant’s roots where they are used as food. In bathrooms, the Peace Lily can help to keep shower tiles and curtains free from mildew and the plant can absorb harmful vapors from alcohol & acetone.




The English Ivy plant is perfect if you have as it can reduce the amount of airborne fecal matter. It can also absorb formaldehyde, commonly found in some household cleaning products, furniture or carpeting treatments. Studies show that keeping an English Ivy plant on your desk will help to give you better focus because it can also absorb trace amounts of benzene which is a chemical commonly found in office equipment.



Spider-plant- Planta de la Araña

The spider plant is a very popular house plant because it is easy to grow and maintain. Within just 2 days, this plant can remove up to 90% of the toxins in your indoor air. The leaves grow quickly and help to absorb harmful substances like mold and other allergens so it is the perfect plant if you have common dust allergies. It also helps to absorb small traces of formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.



BostonFern1-Helecho de Boston

Ferns are readily available in South Florida and the Boston Fern offers both beauty and health benefits. These plants act as humidifiers and can help to restore moisture in the air so they are perfect for those who suffer from dry skin and other cold weather problems. They can also help to eliminate traces of formaldehyde. Remember to keep them in direct sunlight and mist the leaves with water regularly.
