Un incidente con un paquete sospechoso dejado por accidente por una compañia de reparaciones en un baño de Old Trafford, le costara cerca de 3 millones de libras esterlinas a Manchester United y multiples inconvenientes a 75 mil personas que estaban listas para dar la despedida a la temporada de la BPL, cuando fueron desalojadas por codigo Rojo….

Despues de una intensa investigacion y explosion controlada del artefacto, se determino que no eran explosivos y se ha pedido una investigacion a fondo de la situacion…

El partido entre Manchetser United y Bornemouth fue reprogramado para el martes en la noche…

Following the abandonment of Manchester United v AFC Bournemouth on Sunday due to a security alert, the Premier League has issued the following statement:
We can confirm that today’s abandoned fixture between Manchester United and AFC Bournemouth will be played on Tuesday 17 May at 8pm.
We would like to thank Manchester United’s staff, the police and other emergency services for all their efforts today as well as rearranging the match for this coming Tuesday.
Both Manchester ‎United and AFC Bournemouth’s management has been extremely helpful in reaching a swift resolution, which is the best possible given today’s events.
The clubs will make their own announcements regarding ticketing arrangements.