El Estadounidense Luke Aikins se convirtio en la primera persona en saltar desde 25 mil pies de altura, unos 7 mil 760 metros sin paracaidar y aterrizar a salvo en una red.

Aikins quien tiene mas de 18 mil saltos aterrizo en una red de 100×100 pies en Simi Valley, al sur de California.

Durante los dos minutos del descenso teleciaado por Fox logro una velocidad de 120 millas por hora, 193 KMçh.

Aikins admitió que el salto estuvo cerca de ser cancelado porque se le ordeno utilizar un paraciadas en caso de emergencia, pero eso haria mas dificil su salto por el peso extra.


American Luke Aikins has become the first person to jump from 25,000 ft (7,620m) without a parachute, landing safely in a net.
Mr Aikins – who has more than 18,000 jumps under his belt – fell dead centre into the 100x100ft net in Simi Valley, southern California.
During the two-minute fall aired live on Fox television, the 42-year-old reached the speed of 120mph (193km/h).
To loud cheers, he climbed out of the net and hugged his wife and young son.

He also admitted that he had nearly had to cancel the jump because he was ordered to wear a parachute for safety and this would have made his landing more dangerous because of the extra weight.
However, the organisers had lifted the ban just minutes before the jump.
«Aikins’ leap represents the culmination of a 26-year career that will set a personal and world record for the highest jump without a parachute or wing suit,» his spokesman Justin Aclin said.
Mr Aikins, who is a safety and training adviser for the US Parachute Association, said his friend came up with the idea two years ago.
