El Britanico Chris Froome pidio a la UCI y a la Agencia Mundial Anti Doping, conocida por sus siglas en ingles como (WADA), que corrija urgentemente el llamada (TUE) Uso terapeutico de excepción, sistema que en su opinion se presta para los abusos.

El tres veces Campeon del Tour de France y lider del equipo Sky divulgo un segundo comunicado este martes en reaccion, despues de un grupo de hackers, revelara la lista de deportistas que usan medicamente prohibidos bajo el llamado tratamiento de excepcion por sus terapéuticos.
La semana pasada habia declarado que no tenia nada que ocultar, que todo era de dominio publico y que nunca había tenido que ganar, a costo de su integridad.

Dijo que toma su posicion en el deporte de manera muy seria, con el compromiso de no romper las reglas y mas haya ser un gran ejemplo de moralidad y ética.

Esta claro que el sistema TUE, uso terapéutico de excepción, se presta para el abuso y considera que en algun momento la UCI y la WADA, necesitan hacer las correcciones pertinentes.

y es que el TUE, permite con analisis de especialistas, el uso de medicamentos prohibidos, para usos excepcionales, como el caso de Froome pos asma.


Chris Froome has called upon the UCI and the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) to «urgently address» the Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) system which he feels is «open to abuse».

The three-time Tour de France champion and Team Sky leader issued a second statement on Tuesday in reaction to the controversy currently engulfing former teammate Bradley Wiggins after the Fancy Bears hacking group released details of riders’ TUE history. While his first statement last week claimed there was nothing in his leaked files that wasn’t already in the public domain, Froome’s latest statement sees him insist he has never had a ‘win at all costs’ mentality.

«I take my position in the sport very seriously and I know that I have to not only abide by the rules, but also go above and beyond that to set a good example both morally and ethically,» he said.

«It is clear that the TUE system is open to abuse and I believe that this is something that the UCI and WADA needs to urgently address. At the same time there are athletes who not only abide by the rules that are in place, but also those of fair play.»

«I have never had a ‘win at all costs’ approach in this regard. I am not looking to push the boundaries of the rules. I believe that this is something that athletes need to take responsibility for themselves, until more stringent protocols can be put in place.»