London will host four regular-season NFL games in 2017, an increase the league announced Friday after it staged three games in the U.K. capital in each of the last two seasons. All were sellouts.

“We continue to be incredibly excited by the passion and love for the NFL shown by our millions of UK fans,” said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell in a news release.

“London is an amazing city. We have had tremendous support from our fans, from Mayor Khan and other government leaders and business partners, and we are looking forward to taking the next step in the UK by playing four games in London next season.”

The NFL will reveal Tuesday which teams and venues will be involved in next year’s international games.

Londres organizará cuatro partidos de temporada regular de la NFL en el 2017, incrementado el numero de partidos, anuncio la liga este viernes, recordando que la capital inglesa habia organizado 3 partidos durante las ultimas dos temporadas, todos con lleno total.

Continuamos respondiendo a la pasion y amor por la NFL demostrada por millones de fanaticos britanicos, dijo el comisionado de la liga Roger Goodell en comunicado de prensa.

La Liga Nacional de Futbol informara el martes que equipos y que fechas seran utlizadas para el calendario internaciinal del proximo año.