La FIT, anunció que el Britanico Andy Murray y la Alemana Angelique Kerber han sido elegidos como los Campeones Mundiales de la entidad 2016. este es el primer año que los jugadores reciben este honor.

Sera un año historico para la familia Murray, Jamie Murray y Bruno Soares de Brasil se convirtieron en Campeones Mundiales de Dobles, la Francesa Caroline Garcia y Kristina Mladenovic son las Campeonas Mundiales en dobles femeninas. es la primera vez que dos hermanos seran premiados en sencillos y dobles el mismo año.

Los premios de la ITF, Internacional Tenis Federation, seran entregados durante la cena de los Campeones mundiales de la entidad a celebrarse el 6 de junio en Paris, durante el Roland Garros. 9 de 10 jugadores seran honrados por primera vez.

The ITF has announced that Andy Murray of Great Britain and Angelique Kerber of Germany are the 2016 ITF World Champions. This is the first year that either player has received this honour.

In an historic year for the Murray family, Jamie Murray and Bruno Soares of Brazil become Men’s Doubles World Champions, while French pair Caroline Garcia and Kristina Mladenovic are Women’s Doubles World Champions. This is the first time that two brothers have been named as men’s singles and men’s doubles World Champions in the same year.

Gordon Reid becomes the third British player to be honoured in 2016, being named as ITF Wheelchair World Champion, with Jiske Griffioen of Netherlands becoming women’s World Champion for the second year running. Miomir Kecmanovic of Serbia and Anastasia Potapova of Russia are named ITF Junior World Champions.

The ITF World Champions will receive their awards at the 2017 ITF World Champions Dinner on Tuesday 6 June, in Paris, during Roland Garros. Nine of the ten players are being honoured for the first time.