Un articulo del USA Today Sports asegura que Samir Nasri se encuentra bajo investigacion despues de utilizar su corto periodo vacacional de navidad para viajar a Los Angeles, Estados Unidos y recibir entre otros servicios, un litro de una sustancia para hidratación, algo que en esa cantidad esta prohibido y podría acarrearle una sancion de hasta 4 años…

La informacion de la clinica Drip Doctor, que es una boutique-Spa y ofrece ese tipo de servicios aclara lo siguiente….despues de conocer los twits que supuestamente fueron escritos por su novia, modelo y cantante británica Anara Atanes y que hoy son divulgados por los principales tabloides europeos…

El 27 de diciembre, la fundadora y directora ejecutiva de Drip Médicos, Jamila Sozahdah, aplicó una inyección intravenosa en la suite del hotel de Nasri, acompañada, como diría más tarde al periódico británico The Sun, por una recepcionista. Poco después, la cuenta oficial de Twitter de Drip Doctors, que anteriormente había sido frecuentada por estrellas de entretenimiento como DJ Steve Aoki y el rapero Chris Brown, publicó una foto de Sozahdah con Nasri.

«Proporcionamos (Nasri) una consejería Inmunity IV Drip para mantenerlo hidratado y en máxima salud durante su ocupada temporada de fútbol», leía el post.

las reglas de la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje prohíben los goteos intravenosos de más de 50 ml en un período de seis horas, a menos que se haya otorgado un certificado de exención por razones médicas.

«Una violación … del código podría resultar en una sanción de hasta cuatro años», dijo un portavoz de la AMA al Daily Mail. «Sin embargo, esto dependerá de factores tales como si el uso fue o no intencional , la sanción podría ser objeto de reducciones adicionales sobre la base de ninguna falta significativa o negligencia».

Nasri volvió a España y regresó a la acción con Sevilla esta semana, siéndole permitido jugar mientras se investiga la posible infracción.

Samir Nasri es un jugador Internacional Frances, que fue dejado por fuera del mundial del 2014 por el tecnico Didier Deschamps y jugo anteriormente para Arsenal y Manchester City de la Premier League.

Martin Rodgers USA Today Sports

A celebrity health and wellness clinic in downtown Los Angeles has become the center point for one of the European soccer season’s most bizarre scandals.

Samir Nasri, a star forward with Spanish club Sevilla and the French national team, presumably had little idea of the mayhem that would follow when he began an appointment in late December with Drip Doctors, a boutique “therapy and lifestyle medspa” popular with L.A.’s rich and famous.

Little more than a week on, Nasri has become embroiled in a salacious sex scandal that has been splashed across the European tabloids, claims to have had his Twitter account apparently hacked, and, to top it all off, could even face a four-year ban from soccer for a potential doping violation related to the treatment.

On Dec. 27, Drip Doctors founder and CEO Jamila Sozahdah administered an IV drip in Nasri’s hotel suite, accompanied, as she would later tell British newspaper The Sun, by a receptionist. Soon after, the official Twitter account for Drip Doctors, which has previously been frequented by entertainment stars such as DJ Steve Aoki and rapper Chris Brown, posted a photo of Sozahdah with Nasri.

“We provided (Nasri) a concierge Immunity IV Drip to keep him hydrated and in top health during his busy soccer season,” the post read.

And then….things started to take a quirky twist. A series of Tweets began to appear from Nasri’s own account claiming that Sozahdah had provided him with sexual services during and after the appointment. As quickly as the Tweets were deleted, more reappeared, with many of Nasri’s followers suspecting they were actually written by Nasri’s on-off girlfriend, British model/singer Anara Atanes. Nasri claimed his account had been hacked but has not offered further comment.

“This week, Ms. Sozahdah was dragged into an unfortunate incident involving libelous accusations sent on the hacked social media account of Samir Nasri, after administering a standard treatment on the soccer star,” a statement from Drip Doctors read. “Ms. Sozahdah would like to address head on this unfortunate incident of cyber-bullying: all Drip Doctors services are professional health services, administered by a professional team, and all insinuations otherwise are nothing more than libelous attacks.”

Atanes hit the headlines two years ago after launching into a vitriolic online attack on France head coach Didier Deschamps, after Deschamps left Nasri out of the national team squad for the 2014 World Cup.

Sozahdah claimed that although she agreed to meet Nasri at an L.A. nightclub hours after their appointment, it was purely on a platonic basis. She told The Sun that an angry Atanes had confronted her and Nasri at the club.

“I don’t know why (Atanes) got the wrong impression,” Sozahdah told the newspaper. “ I was completely professional. I think she should control her behavior.”

The wild and wacky world of international soccer occasionally throws up such salacious incidents, but things were not over yet for Nasri. Even though there were no banned substances in Nasri’s drip, the item is advertised as containing “one liter” of hydration. However, World Anti-Doping Agency rules prohibit intravenous drips in excess of 50 ml over a six-hour period, unless an exemption certificate has been awarded on medical grounds.

“A violation…of the code could result in a sanction of up to four years,” a WADA spokesman told the Daily Mail. “However, this will depend upon factors such as whether or not the use was intentional and if unintentional, the sanction could be subject to further reductions on the basis of no significant fault or negligence.”

Nasri is now back in Spain and returned to action with Sevilla this week, being allowed to play while the potential infraction is investigated. After the turmoil of his trip to L.A., the soccer field must seem like the calmest place he can find right now.