Comunicado oficial de la Federación Peruana de Futbol, tras conocer la decision del TAS, de confirmar la sanción de Paolo Guerrero, de 6 a 14 meses. sanción que lo inhabilita para participar en el Mundial de Furtbol, FIFA Rusia 2018…

Primero el boletín del Tas y abajo el comunicación de la FPF



Lausanne, 14 May 2018 – The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has partially upheld the appeal filed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) against the decision issued by the FIFA Appeal Committee (the FIFA AC) on 20 December 2017 (the FIFA AC Decision) in which a 6-month period of ineligibility was imposed on the Peruvian football player Paolo Guerrero further to an anti-doping rule violation (presence of Benzoylecgonine metabolites). The CAS decided to increase Mr Guerrero’s suspension from 6 to 14 months, starting today, with the period of provisional suspension of 6 months already served by Mr Guerrero being credited against the total period of ineligibility to be served.

The FIFA AC had considered that Mr Guerrero had been able to establish that the adverse analytical finding had been caused by the ingestion of a tea containing the prohibited substance. The FIFA AC decided that the Player bore some degree of fault or negligence (although not significant) in committing the anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) and therefore that a proportionate period of ineligibility had to be imposed. Taking into account the circumstances of the case, the FIFA AC imposed a 6-month period of ineligibility on the Player, instead of the 1-year minimum suspension provided by the FIFA Anti-Doping Regulations, applicable in case of no significant fault or negligence.

Both the Player and WADA filed appeals at the CAS. Paolo Guerrero sought to have the FIFA AC Decision set aside and replaced by a new decision in which no sanction was imposed on him. WADA, on the other hand, had requested that the FIFA AC decision be set aside and that Paolo Guerrero be sanctioned with a period of ineligibility between 1 and 2 years with an expressed preference for 22 months. Two arbitration procedures were registered by the CAS which were consolidated and referred to the same Panel of arbitrators who held a hearing with the parties at the CAS Headquarters in Lausanne on 3 May 2018.





Frente al fallo emitido el día de hoy por el TAS, la Federación Peruana de Fútbol lamenta profundamente la ampliación de la sanción impuesta a nuestro importante jugador Paolo Guerrero, quien siempre nos ha demostrado una conducta ejemplar.

Por otro lado, consideramos necesario aclarar que, conforme con la normativa FIFA, la Federación Peruana de Fútbol no participa en los procesos disciplinarios seguidos contra los jugadores, por la supuesta violación del Reglamento Antidopaje.

Sin lugar a dudas, Paolo nos hará falta en Rusia, pero estamos convencidos que el equipo que se ha formado, lleno de coraje y tesón, dejará en alto el nombre del Perú.  Ninguna adversidad, por más dura que sea, como ya lo demostró nuestra Selección, nos va a parar.

Unidos más que nunca, ARRIBA PERÚ.