CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) — A South African football referee was convicted of corruption and sent to prison for four years for his role in trying to fix lower league playoff games in 2011.

The South African Football Association said Clifford Malgas was sentenced Friday to two years in jail for corruption and two years for perjury.

SAFA said in a statement it was still working with police and national prosecutors to «pursue» persons involved in the attempted fixing.

Malgas’ conviction followed that of former South Africa assistant coach Phil Setshedi, who received a three-year jail term last year for trying to fix the same playoff games.

El arbitro Sudafricano Clifford Malgas fue encontrado culpable de corrupcion de intentar arreglar partidos de playofffs en el 2011 y enviado a prision por 4 años.

La asociacion de futbol de Sudafricana dijo que Clifford Malgas fue sentenciado el viernes a 2 años por corrupcion y 2 por perjurio.

la SAFA, aseguraque las investigaciones continuan para dar con otros responsables…ademas de un asistente Phil Setshedi quien recibio 3 años de sentencia.