El #1 N. Djokovic gana el Tour Final de la ATP.....

Novak Djokovic logro el tercer titulo consecutivo del Tour de la ATP, sin jugar debido al retiro de su oponente, el Suizo Roger Federer por lesion de espalda…

Cerrando un año espectacular, pues desde el viernes habia asegurando terminar el 2014, como numero uno del mundo por tercera ocasion en su carrera, ya lo habia hecho en el 2011 y 2012…

Se trata del septimo jugar en conseguirlo, despues de Pete Sampras (6), Jimmy Connor, y Roger Federer (5), Ivan Lendl y John McEnroe y(4) y Rafael Nadal…(3)

The 27-year-old Serbian previously finished at the top in 2011 and 2012 and is the seventh player to finish year-end No. 1 on three occasions, following in the footsteps of Pete Sampras (6), Jimmy Connors and Roger Federer (5), Ivan Lendl and John McEnroe (4) and Rafael Nadal (3).

Former World No. 1s John McEnroe, Mats Wilander, Carlos Moya and his coach Boris Becker were on hand for the trophy presentation.

“Being No. 1 in the world is probably one of the most difficult and biggest challenges that a tennis player can have, so it’s incredibly fulfilling and I’m very happy with this achievement,” Djokovic said.