Cubana gana el salto de garrocha en Mundial de Atletismo...

La Cubana Yarisley Silva en tres intentos logro saltar 4.90 para ganar la Medalla de Oro del Salto con Garrocha en el Mundial de Atletismo 2015…superando a la Brasileña Fabiana Murer quien logro 4.85…

Yarisley Silva proved alchemy is alive and well by somehow rescuing several precarious positions to strike gold in a captivating women’s pole vault competition of unprecedented depth.

The Cuban, who needed three attempts to scramble clear 4.70m, soared over 4.90m on her final effort to break the heart of Brazil’s Fabiana Murer and earn top spot on the podium.

Into the bargain, it sent the Cuban contingent in the stands by the women’s pole vault into raucous ecstasy.

Greece’s Nikoleta Kiriakopoulou was rewarded with bronze courtesy of a 4.80m clearance.

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