Arizona a una victoria del Super Bowl

For the second straight season, the Packers saw their run end in overtime without the chance to touch the ball. The Cardinals squeaked by in an absolute thriller, 26-20, and advanced to the NFC Championship Game. Here’s what we learned…

1. That was one of the best playoff games in NFL history, and thankfully we had Bruce Arians on the sidelines to end it in style. After a stunning Hail Mary finisher by Aaron Rodgers to end regulation, Carson Palmer spun out of pressure, ran into his own offensive lineman and then hit a wide open Larry Fitzgerald, who took it 75 yards into scoring territory. Arians went right back to Fitzgerald on the next play, and the play after that. The shovel pass was most definitely a tribute to Fitzgerald, who was exceptional on Saturday (eight catches, 176 yards and a touchdown), and you had to know that Arians would not want to end the game any other way.

The Cardinals could still host the NFC Championship, if the Seahawks beat the Panthers in Carolina Sunday. If the Panthers win, the Cards will travel to Carolina.

Por segundo año consecutivo los Packers perdieron las opciones en tiempo extra sin oportunidad de tocar el ovoide. Los Cardenales de Arizona se impusieron en una autentica batalla 26-20 para avanzar a la final de la Conferencia Nacional en la NFL…

Se trato segun los especialistas de uno de los mejores juegos de playoff en la historia de la NFL, con un Bruce Arians como uno de los principales protagonistas en el movimiento de sus fichas, Larry Fitzgerald lo confirmo con 8 pases capturados , 2 de esrtos en tiempo extras, 176 yardas recorridas y touchdown…en uno de los mas memorables regresos en la NFL…

Los Cardenales podrian ser anfitriones en el partido por el titulo de la NFC, si Seahawks supera a Carolina este domingo. Si Las Panthers ganan, Cards tendran que viajar a Carolina.