After Saturday night’s clunker in Miami, the Cavaliers needed a convincing win to clear the air and cleanse the proverbial palate on Monday night at The Q.

They got exactly that – starting off with a season-high 38-point first quarter and proceeding to score 68 points in the second half, cruising to the 124-91 victory to lock up the ninth 50-win season and fifth Central Division crown in the history of the franchise.

The impetus behind Cleveland’s historic night came courtesy of the man who owns most of the franchise’s records – and has led it to many of the aforementioned accomplishments: LeBron James, who notched his second triple-double of the season and 41st of his brilliant career, finishing with 33 points, 11 boards and 11 assists.

James – who set the tone, scoring 17 of his 33 in the first quarter – went 12-of-19 from the floor and 8-of-11 from the stripe in the win it was the 19th time in his career that he punctuated a triple-double with a 30-point night.


Despues de una noche sabatina para el olvido en Miami, los Cavalier necesitaban de una victoria convincente para dejar claros sus objetivos y el lunes en la noche fue la noche…

Para comenzar tuvieron un primer cuarto brillante con la mayor cantidad de puntos de temporada, 38 y 68 al finalizar la primera mitad, para redondear con victoria de 124-91 sobre los Nuggets de Denver para llegar a 50 victorias en la temporada y asegurar su quinto titulo divisional en la historia de la franquicia…

La historica noche de Cleveland fue cortesia del hombre que tiene todos los records del equipo, LeBron James quien aporto triple doble con 33 puntos, 11 rebotes en los tableros y 11 asistencias…