La Asociacion Nacional de jugadores de Basketball en Norte-America, hizo historia esta semana al convertirse en la primera Union deportiva Americana en votar fondos para garantizar seguro a sus ex-jugadores…

Los terminos de las pólizas indican que la Union garantiza ese servicio a aquellos que hallan jugado mas de tres años en la liga…en algunos casos la cobertura incluye a la familia de estos veteranos que no tengan acceso o fondos para adquirir un seguro medico.

Jugadores retirados que hallan jugado entre 3 y 6 años pero no sean elegibles para el servicio medico del estado, se les ofrecerá un plan medico con hospitalización, cobvertura de medicina y un modesto co-pago con poco dinero de sus bolsillos…


Gran ejemplo para las asociaciones deportivas en el Mundo entero.


The National Basketball Players Association made history this week when it became the first American pro sports union to vote to fund health insurance for ex-players.

It’s a wise and caring move from a players’ union that is in a unique position to provide for the players who built the league.

The terms of the policy are fair — the union will provide health insurance to players who played more than three years in the league and offers whole-family health insurance coverage for ten-year veterans.

Here are the terms:

Retired players with between three and six years of NBA service time but who are not yet eligible for Medicare would be offered a plan that includes medical, hospital and prescription drug coverage with modest out-of-pocket costs for deductibles and co-pays;

Those with between seven and nine years of service would be offered the same coverage with even lower out-of-pocket costs;

Retired players with at least 10 years of service would be offered the same coverage as the seven-to-nine-year players, and would include coverage for their entire family.