Toxicology reports revealed Kevin Ward Jr., was under the influence of marijuana on the night he was struck and killed by a sprint car driven by Tony Stewart, Ontario County (N.Y.) District Attorney Michael Tantillo said Wednesday.

At a news conference to announce that a grand jury had declined to indict Stewart in Ward’s death, Tantillo said the level of marijuana in Ward’s system was high enough to impair judgment.

Later Wednesday, the Ward family indicated it was not satisfied with the decision to clear Stewart and said it will «pursue all remedies in fairness to Kevin.»

Examenes de Toxicologia revelaron que Kevin Ward Jr, estaba bajo la influencia de la mariahuana la noche que fue golpeado por el carro de Tony Stewart en el condado Ontario y que le causo la muerte.

en conferencia de prensa el miércoles un gran jurado anuncio la decision de no culpar a Stewart por la muerte de Ward Jr., pues el nivel de marihuana en el organismo del joven piloto, era lo suficiente alto, como para alterar el juicio.