The Lampre-Merida team worked for both Ulissi and sprinter Sacha Modolo in the final kilometre, out powering the Orica-GreenEdge team that was working for Simon Gerrans. When Modolo sat up, Ulissi emerged along the barriers and had the speed to beat Juan Jose Lobato (Movistar) and Gerrans (Orica-GreenEdge).

Alberto Contador (Tinkoff-Saxo) finished the stage safely in the peloton and kept the leader’s pink jersey after being protected and guided by his teammates throughout the stage. Contador was careful to protect his painful left shoulder during the stage but occasionally got out of the saddle in the final kilometres. He was in pain but pulled on the pink jersey on the podium and looks able to continue in the Giro d’Italia. Fabio Aru (Astana) remains second overall at two seconds, with Richie Porte (Team Sky) at 20 seconds.

Trabajo de equipo de Lampre-Merida para Ulissi y Sacha Modolo en el ultimo kilometro de la septima etapa del Giro de Italia en una dura lucha con los de Orica-GreenEdge de DSimon Gerrands….

Alberto Contador finalizo la jornada con el grupo y arropado por sus compañeros de equipo para que pudiera conservar el liderato despues del accidente del dia anterior que le genero luxacion del hombro izquiero…

Fabio Aru mantuvo el segundo lugar a 2 segundos…y el Colombiano Esteban Chaves el sexto lugar…

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