NOTTINGHAM, England – WTA Rising Star Ana Konjuh produced a coming of age performance to defeat Monica Niculescu and pick up the Aegon Open Nottingham title on Monday afternoon.

Heavy rain over the weekend forced the tournament into a second week, but Konjuh was unruffled by the change in schedule, overcoming a disastrous start to triumph, 1-6, 6-4, 6-2.

After winning twice on Sunday, Konjuh looked understandably weary-legged early on as she struggled to get to grips with Niculescu’s unorthodox game. This was the first set the 17-year-old had dropped all week and provided the wake up call required.

Once into her stride there was no stopping the young Croat, who romped home to become the youngest player to lift a WTA title since a 15-year-old Tamira Paszek triumphed at Portoroz in 2006.

La creciente estrella de la WTA, Ana Konjunh supero a Monica Niculescu, para lograr el titulo del abierto de Nottingham este lunes al medio dia..

Fuertes lluvias durante el fin de semana, obligaron a la postergacion de la final, Konjuh aprovecho y remonto un arranque desastroso en la final frente a Niculescu  1-6, 6-4 y 6-2…

Konjuh de 17 años de edad logro superar un mal comienzo de partido, para convertirse en la Croata mas joven en levantar un trofeo de la WTA, desde que Tamira Paszek con 15 años de edad lograra un titulo en Portoroz en el 2006….