A swashbuckling Peter Sagan again played the leading role in the 201-kms 16th stage of the Tour de France between Bourg de Peage and Gap, but had to be content with his 5th second place in the race this year behind Spanish opportunist Ruben Plaza, who went in the final climb to claim victory. The veteran Spaniard launchd a timely attack on Col de Manse, 15 kms from the finish line, to keep Sagan at bay by 30 seconds. It was a career topping for the Lampre rider, who avenged the withdrawal of team leader Rui Costa, the last winner in Gap two years ago.

El Español Ruben Plaza salto en en los ultimos kilometros de la etapa 16 del Tor de France para soprender a Peter Sagan quien tenia todo para la victoria pero debio conformarse con su quinto segundo lugar en la carrera esta temporada….La etapa de 201 kilometros entre Borg de peage y Gap, ultima antes del dia descanso, previo al ingreso a Los Alpes…tuvo al Colombiano Jarlinson Pantano como gran animador terminando en tercer lugar a solo 36 segundos de Plaza…El lider y sus principales escoltas mantuvieron sus posiciones y diferencias en la general….

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