La estrella del tenis Mundial Maria Sharapova comparecio hoy en Los Angeles en conferencia de prensa para confirmar que dio positivo en un examen antidoping durante el abierto de Australia a comienzos de año….»No supere el examen y asumo toda la responsabilida» dijo la ex-numero uno del mundo..

Sharapova fue informada via carta por la Federacion Internacional de tenis hace pocos días. y hoy confirmo que habia usado Meldonium desde el 2006, pero que esa medicina fue prohibida recientemente y ella no tenia esa informacion…

Se especulaba que la convocatoria de prensa era para anunciar su retiro, pero lo aclaro diciendo que no quiere terminar su carrera, me daré otra oportunidad, dijo Maria Sharapova…

Despues de la conferencia de prensa la FIT y la agencia antidrogas del tenis pubicaron un comunicado ampliando la noticia…

en ella informan que el 26 de enero del 2016, un analisis de Sharapova dio positivo de Meldonium medicina prohibida bajo los estatudos del tenis mundial y de acuedo con esas reglas a Sharapova se le abrio un expediente con cargos el pasado 2 de marzo por violacion a las normas antidopaje..y sera sancionada de forma provisional a partir del 12 de marzo, pendiente de la evolucion del caso…


Tennis star Maria Sharapova failed a drug test at this year’s Australian Open, she announced at a news conference in Los Angeles on Monday afternoon.

“I did fail the test, and I take full responsibility for it,” Sharapova said.

She was informed of the failed test in a letter sent by the International Tennis Federation a few days ago. Sharapova said she’s legally taken the drug Meldonium since 2006 to treat an array of health issues, but it was recently banned.

Many speculated that Sharapova might announce Monday that she was retiring, but she denied those rumors.

“I don’t want to end my career this way and really hope that I’ll be given another chance,” Sharapova said.

Following the statement made by Maria Sharapova in a press conference today, the Tennis Anti-Doping Programme (TADP) can confirm the following:

– On 26 January 2016, Ms Sharapova provided an anti-doping sample to the TADP in association with her participation in the 2016 Australian Open.
– That sample was analysed by a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) accredited laboratory, which returned a positive for meldonium, which is a prohibited substance under the WADA Code and, therefore also the TADP.
– In accordance with Article 8.1.1 of the TADP, Ms Sharapova was charged on 2 March with an Anti-Doping Rule Violation.
– Ms Sharapova has accepted the finding of meldonium in her sample collected on 26 January.
– As meldonium is a non-specified substance under the WADA (and, therefore, TADP) list of Prohibited Substances and Prohibited Methods, Ms Sharapova will be provisionally suspended with effect from 12 March, pending determination of the case.
The Tennis Anti-Doping Programme is a comprehensive and internationally recognised drug-testing programme that applies to all players competing at Grand Slam tournaments and events sanctioned by the ITF, ATP, and WTA. Players are tested for substances prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency and, upon a finding that an Anti-Doping Rule Violation has been committed, sanctions are imposed in accordance with the requirements of the Tennis Anti-Doping Programme and World Anti-Doping Code. More background information on the Programme, sanctions, tennis statistics and related information can be found at