Mas de 20 mil personas vieron a Canelo Alvarez ponerle fin y por decision unanime a su rivalidad con Julio Cesar Chavez Jr, en la celebración del 5 de mayo en la Vegas, el sabado en la noche…

Las cuatro pulgadas de altura y 10 o 20 libras extras de Chávez no significaban nada. Y con la multitud ruidosa y sólidamente apoyando su esquina, el canto Ca-Ne-Lo, Ca-Ne-Lo, Alvarez procedió a controlar a Chavez , perforar con un ruido sordo golpe a golpe, ronda a ronda, las gotas de sudor volaban sobre la cabeza de Chávez con cada golpe que canelo aterrizó, y hubo muchos.

Por la novena ronda, la cara de Chávez fue mostrando claramente los latigazos que Canelo estaba administrando. Su ojo izquierdo estaba casi cerrado, el ojo derecho no se quedó atrás y sangraba por la nariz. Y su cuerpo tuvo que doler también, porque Canelo lo golpeo a lo largo de la pelea.

Canelo lanzó el doble de golpes 606 a 302, y conectó 228 por tan sólo 71 para Chávez.

los tres jueces anotaron 120-108, a favor de Canelo, que mejoró a 49-1-1 con 34 nocauts. Chavez Jr. cayó a 50-3-1 (32 KO).

LAS VEGAS — The animosity between Canelo Alvarez and Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. has been palpable for weeks leading up to Saturday night’s big Cinco de Mayo showdown at the T-Mobile Center here before a sold-out, frenzied crowd of 20,510 mostly Mexican fans.

And right on cue, Canelo came out with hate in his eyes and payback in his blue and white gloves. And he proved one thing: Size doesn’t always matter.

This night, it certainly didn’t. Those four inches of height and 10 or 20 pounds for Chavez meant nothing. And with the raucous crowd solidly in his corner, chanting Ca-Ne-Lo, Ca-Ne-Lo, Alvarez proceeded to take Chavez apart, punch by thudding punch, round by round, beads of sweat flying off Chavez’s head with every punch that Canelo landed, and there were many.

By the ninth round, Chavez’s face was clearly showing the beating Canelo was administering. His left eye was nearly closed, the right eye wasn’t far behind and he was bleeding from the nose. And his body had to hurt too, because Canelo pummeled it throughout the fight.

Canelo threw twice as many punches, 606 to 302, and connected on 228 to just 71 for Chavez.

When it was over, mercifully for Chavez, it was as one-sided as a big, highly anticipated fight ever gets. It was all Canelo, all the time. Chavez, who came in in the best shape of his life, had no answer. That is, no defense. Or offense, for that matter. While Chavez Jr. last all 12 rounds, it really didn’t matter. It was just more punishment that Canelo was able to inflict. And the judges had this one right: all three scored it 120-108, a whitewashing for Canelo, who improved to 49-1-1 with 34 KOs. Chavez Jr. fell to 50-3-1 (32 KOs).