The packed stadium held countless Chinese citizens who came in support of their beloved hero. Every fan wore a red heart on their chest with “I Love You Li Na!” written in Chinese. Many had signs celebrating Li while others had her name written on their faces.

Li, the greatest tennis player to ever hail from China and one of the nation’s greatest athletes ever, retired due to knee injuries, just days before the start of the China Open. So when the fans were given a chance to honor her, they came out in droves.

The ceremony started with a video of fans holding signs at a number of tournaments, often bearing the message “WE LOVE LI NA” in either Chinese or English. As the video ended, the chanting for Li began.

El abierto de tenis de China fue el marco ideal para millares de chinos le agradeciera a su heroe nacional en ese deporte LI NA, quien debido a las lesiones recurrentes se retiro de la actividad profesional este año, despues de haber ganado el abierto de Australia y el de Francia….