2019-20 EuroLeague and EuroCup seasons cancelled

Current EuroLeague and EuroCup clubs confirmed places for 2020-21 season

2020-21 EuroLeague and EuroCup seasons to start on October 1 and September 30, 2020, respectively

The Euroleague Commercial Assets Shareholders Executive Board met remotely on Monday, May 25, for the fourth time since the season was suspended on March 12 due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) global pandemic.

Following the decision taken on March 12 to temporarily suspend all Euroleague Basketball competitions, the league, clubs, players and all stakeholders have maintained their willingness and continuous efforts to resume the competitions.

Having explored every possible option, the Executive Board has made the decision to cancel the 2019-20 Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and 7DAYS EuroCup, as well as the Euroleague Basketball Adidas Next Generation Tournament and EuroLeague Academy due to the following considerations:

  • The health and safety of our athletes, fans, staff, partners and local communities remains our top priority
  • The varied evolution of COVID-19 in different EuroLeague and EuroCup territories does not guarantee that all teams can hold their training camp and prepare for official games under the same conditions
  • The above has resulted in local authorities imposing differing restrictions on the movements of their citizens, with no guarantees that all teams can travel to and from the designated location
  • A reduced training camp schedule compared to the previously approved three weeks minimum would cause an increased injury risk for players
  • For reasons of sporting integrity, all competition system modifications including a reduced number of teams were discarded
  • Despite elaborating an exhaustive medical protocol for the competitions, the medical protocols currently being implemented by public health authorities require a period of self-isolation for any player, coach or referee that tests positive for COVID-19. Therefore, during the past two and a half months the necessary guarantee that the competitions could be completed regularly in July has not been obtained
  • Our decision not to modify self-imposed deadlines – late May for taking a final decision and late July to finish the competitions – in order to avoid changing and impacting the 2020-21 calendar, including domestic league games as well as national team games in summer 2021

In keeping with our continued values of sports integrity and fairness, the Executive Board decided not to recognize any team as the champion for the 2019-20 EuroLeague, nor the EuroCup.

2019-20 EuroLeague and EuroCup seasons cancelled

Current EuroLeague and EuroCup clubs confirmed places for 2020-21 season

2020-21 EuroLeague and EuroCup seasons to start on October 1 and September 30, 2020, respectively

The Euroleague Commercial Assets Shareholders Executive Board met remotely on Monday, May 25, for the fourth time since the season was suspended on March 12 due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) global pandemic.

Following the decision taken on March 12 to temporarily suspend all Euroleague Basketball competitions, the league, clubs, players and all stakeholders have maintained their willingness and continuous efforts to resume the competitions.

Having explored every possible option, the Executive Board has made the decision to cancel the 2019-20 Turkish Airlines EuroLeague and 7DAYS EuroCup, as well as the Euroleague Basketball Adidas Next Generation Tournament and EuroLeague Academy due to the following considerations:

  • The health and safety of our athletes, fans, staff, partners and local communities remains our top priority
  • The varied evolution of COVID-19 in different EuroLeague and EuroCup territories does not guarantee that all teams can hold their training camp and prepare for official games under the same conditions
  • The above has resulted in local authorities imposing differing restrictions on the movements of their citizens, with no guarantees that all teams can travel to and from the designated location
  • A reduced training camp schedule compared to the previously approved three weeks minimum would cause an increased injury risk for players
  • For reasons of sporting integrity, all competition system modifications including a reduced number of teams were discarded
  • Despite elaborating an exhaustive medical protocol for the competitions, the medical protocols currently being implemented by public health authorities require a period of self-isolation for any player, coach or referee that tests positive for COVID-19. Therefore, during the past two and a half months the necessary guarantee that the competitions could be completed regularly in July has not been obtained
  • Our decision not to modify self-imposed deadlines – late May for taking a final decision and late July to finish the competitions – in order to avoid changing and impacting the 2020-21 calendar, including domestic league games as well as national team games in summer 2021

In keeping with our continued values of sports integrity and fairness, the Executive Board decided not to recognize any team as the champion for the 2019-20 EuroLeague, nor the EuroCup.


Temporadas de EuroLeague y EuroCup 2019-20 canceladas

Los clubes actuales de EuroLeague y EuroCup confirmaron lugares para la temporada 2020-21

Las temporadas 2020-21 EuroLeague y EuroCup comenzarán el 1 de octubre y el 30 de septiembre de 2020, respectivamente

La Junta Ejecutiva de Accionistas de Activos Comerciales de Euroleague se reunió de forma remota el lunes 25 de mayo por cuarta vez desde que la temporada se suspendió el 12 de marzo debido a la pandemia mundial de COVID-19 (coronavirus).

Tras la decisión tomada el 12 de marzo de suspender temporalmente todas las competiciones de Baloncesto de la Euroliga, la liga, los clubes, los jugadores y todas las partes interesadas han mantenido su voluntad y sus continuos esfuerzos para reanudar las competiciones.

Habiendo explorado todas las opciones posibles, la Junta Ejecutiva ha tomado la decisión de cancelar la EuroLeague y la EuroCup 7DAYS EuroCague 2019-20 de Turkish Airlines, así como el Torneo de Próxima Generación de Baloncesto Euroleague y la Academia EuroLeague debido a las siguientes consideraciones:

La salud y la seguridad de nuestros atletas, aficionados, personal, socios y comunidades locales sigue siendo nuestra principal prioridad.
La variada evolución de COVID-19 en diferentes territorios de EuroLeague y EuroCup no garantiza que todos los equipos puedan celebrar su campamento de entrenamiento y prepararse para los juegos oficiales en las mismas condiciones.
Lo anterior ha provocado que las autoridades locales impongan diferentes restricciones a los movimientos de sus ciudadanos, sin garantías de que todos los equipos puedan viajar hacia y desde el lugar designado
Un horario de campamento de entrenamiento reducido en comparación con el mínimo de tres semanas aprobado previamente causaría un mayor riesgo de lesiones para los jugadores.
Por razones de integridad deportiva, se descartaron todas las modificaciones del sistema de competición, incluido un número reducido de equipos.
A pesar de elaborar un protocolo médico exhaustivo para las competiciones, los protocolos médicos que las autoridades de salud pública están implementando actualmente requieren un período de autoaislamiento para cualquier jugador, entrenador o árbitro que dé positivo por COVID-19. Por lo tanto, durante los últimos dos meses y medio no se ha obtenido la garantía necesaria de que las competiciones puedan completarse regularmente en julio.
Nuestra decisión de no modificar los plazos autoimpuestos, a fines de mayo para tomar una decisión final y finales de julio para finalizar las competiciones, para evitar cambiar e impactar el calendario 2020-21, incluidos los juegos de la liga nacional y los juegos de equipos nacionales en verano 2021
De acuerdo con nuestros valores continuos de integridad y equidad deportiva, la Junta Ejecutiva decidió no reconocer a ningún equipo como el campeón de la EuroLeague 2019-20, ni de la EuroCup.